OCIA - Oklahoma Certified Installers Association

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At our last convention, we recognized that vendors have been improving their products for many of the same reasons that we've been helping the installers to improve.  When several vendors asked me why OCIA didn't have any corporate members, my only answer was that we simply hadn't considered it yet.  Well, now we have.  On request by industry, we've created a new Corporate Class membership.

Our board, which is made up of respected professionals elected by their peers, recognized there are vendors who share our same ideals.  Vendors that can contribute to the betterment of our association and at the same time benefit themselves. When the regulators consider new or revised standards, they ask us about our experiences and our opinions. We believe that vendor or industry input would only make for a better standard.  When Oklahoma Legislators are asked to write on-site sewage laws, they ask us about our experiences and our opinions and, as a corporate member you can have input as well.

OCIA's board has recommended that we offer special corporate membership, and that we include you in our offer.  Our corporate membership is $500 per calendar year.  Corporate members can attend our board meetings (which are held at least quarterly);  are eligible to be on our board to help direct our activities;  interface with our installers at conventions in the classroom, not just in the exhibit hall;  receive our newsletters, and our action tips when our help on new laws and rules are needed.  Moreover, our members are listed on our website, which is available to the government and to the public alike to see who is recognized at a professional level.  We would like you to be on that list and part of our organization.  If you would like that also, please return the enclosed application to the address on this letter head.


Bill Warden                                              OCIA's Corporate Members

Executive Director                                Corporate Member Application